Thinking about 2021 Super.Vision Training

At this time of year a lot of thought and effort goes into preparing Super.Vision Training for the next cycle of training. Reading, researching, so the course material is up to date, re designing where necessary, sorting dates and so it goes on.

The 2021 cycle, we know, will be different and therefore more work on the design of course has been required. It will be a blended delivery with a maximun of 50% f2f. This of course is dependent on a variety of factors which include government directives. Other factors which need to be taken into account relate to the requirements of the venue in terms of their impact on individuals. eg, face masks worm throughout the day. The vulnerability of each participant has to be taken into consideration, so that all the group are safe and comfortable.

It is importantant not only in terms of Covid-19 for the individuals in the group to be safe and comfortable but as well for the bonding within the group. We aim to make a group which is safe for deep work and experimentation, where there are bonds between all so that a collaborative learning evnironment exists. This will give support and challenge, enhancing the learning and development of each group member.

Covid-19 and the restrictions we need to adhere to, have placed an additional focus on this fundamental principal of Super.Vision Training. This along with making sure the training provides and develops the theory, skills and prctice of supervision, enabling the participants to be competent supervisors for all professions.

1 Comment

  1. Janette
    October 9, 2020

    Hi Annie,
    Wondering if you have an idea of the days &/ dates for the supervision training course yet?
    thank you


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