Joan is facilitating a workshop on the 7 Eyed Model of Supervision on Mat 1st & 2nd in Ennis, Co Clare. The workshop is suitable for new supervisors as well as experienced. Cost: €230. To book a place contact Annie at or 0872320525...
Joan Wilmot – 7 Eyed Model of Supervision. Workshop
Group Supervision with
The groups have ended! Two supervision groups, one started last January, the other February have ended after 6 sessions each, 2 hours per session per month. The four people in each group brought their insights, knowledge, experience, openness and honesty to the groups which made each group a unique experience. I hope this gave...
2021 Super.Vision Training is now on its summer break, after 7 months of online training. A well-earned rest for the trainee supervisors. Of course, trainees will be continuing with their practice supervision hours and maybe some reading! There are the optional tutorial meetings during the summer and then later, in preparation for the start...
Becoming an trained Online therapist – and enhancing Supervision
I’ve successfully completed a CPD training in Online Counselling. From this I have ACTO membership level 1.Acto – Assoc of counsellors & therapists online, UK Although I have been working online for a number of years, like a lot of us I have been online exclusively since March 2020. A training in working online...
Group Supervision on
As we know group supervision is a great learning, supportive, valuable means of engaging in supervision. therapyacademy is hosting group supervision, 4 group members, online monthly, 6 sessions. There is one place available for a group starting, with myself as supervisor, on 23rd February. Check it out at
Yet another great book
Robin Shohet and Joan Wilmot have written a great new book – ‘In Love with Supervision. Creating Transformative Conversations’ A must!...
Group Supervision
Online group supervision with Annie. Places available. Start date Januay, once a month online. Go go for more information and to book a place. is a platform for online therapy. Clients can access therapy with therapists, once the therapists have made appointment slots available....
Great news about a most useful bookO
On Being a Supervisee – Creating Learning Partnerships by Michael Carroll and Maria C. Gilbert. My first copy of this book was bought directly from Michael Carroll when I engaged in a year long supervisor training with him. The book has been my companion since and I recommend it to others. It is simple...
Robin Shohet Workshop
Very successful zoom workshop with Robin and Joan Shohet, thank you to them both and to all who attended. As one participant fed back: ‘It was truly full of learning, inspiration, insight, realness and fun and the format was so loving and relaxing. I was struck by his ability to bring so much love...
We’re now taking application for 2021 Super.Vision Training
If you’re interested in training as a supervisor, whether you’re a counsellor, psychotherapist, nurse, community worker or other professional, email Annie for further information and application forms. Alternatively complete the application form on the website. I’m happy to answer any queries or have a chat to answer your qestions regarding the training....
Thinking about 2021 Super.Vision Training
At this time of year a lot of thought and effort goes into preparing Super.Vision Training for the next cycle of training. Reading, researching, so the course material is up to date, re designing where necessary, sorting dates and so it goes on. The 2021 cycle, we know, will be different and therefore more...